NO-ONE ELSE KICKS THE BALL. ONLY THE FOOTBALLER. ONLY THE PLANNER PLANS. Introducono e coordinano: Paola Rizzi e Silvia Serreli | DADU, Università degli Studi di Sassari

Pongpisit Huyakorn – No-one else kicks the ball. Only the footballer. Only the planner plans.
 7 Giugno 2022, dalle 14:30 alle 16:30
Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula 7
Codice Microsoft Teams: m6x2p5s

The essential thing that the planner does is plan for the future, which means make decisions. We often lose sight of that because we get diverted into these other things. The seminar aims to reflect on the role of the urbanist and planner in Thailand today: between possibilities and contradictions. The seminar also includes a comparison between the European and Italian situations: a complex history,not without contradictions, but which offers a future perspective that must not be allowed to fade away. Because quoting Ray Wyatt: No-one else kicks the ball. Only the footballer. Only the planner plans.

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